Tuesday, March 1, 2011

interesting event at UITM :)

Day : Sunday
Date : 27 February 2011
Time : 8.00 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
Venue : Dewan Serbaguna, UITM Pahang
Event : Sambutan Maulidur Rasul
Topic : "Bicara Cinta Rasulullah S.A.W"

 Here we stated some picture that we take for that night. It is fun and every single word from the talk was very meaningful. Many student attend this talk to get more information and to listening our prophet story, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W besides to celebrate Maulidur Rasul. 
We hope that other club from UITM Pahang will organised many useful event or functions for students gain more knowledge from it. From this events, there was many competition been held to celebrate Maulidur Rasul such as , islamic quizzes, and 'khat' writing competition.

Day : Sunday
Date : 27 February 2011
Time : 8.30 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.
Venue : Auditorium 1 
Event : Business Society Club 
Topic : Meeting for Dinner by student Part 4 

that`s all from Ladyonbug. Lots of love <3 <3